Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First new sew blanket and headband

I decided to try my hand at making my own blankets and headbands. My poor little T will prolly not grow any hair until well after a year and the newborn headbands are getting to small. I looked on my beloved etsy and there were a ton of adorable infant/toddler ones to chose from. While they were oh so cute, they were oh so expensive ranging from $7-$15. The price wouldn't be to bad if you only needed one, but my bald baby girl needs one for every outfit.

I did a little googling and figured out how to make my own. I ordered some supplies from ebay, but I was in such a hurry to get started I headed to Joann's Fabrics to get a few things to practice with while I wait for my ebay purchases to arrive.

While I was at Joann's I saw the most adorable fabric. It inspired me to make a blanket to go w/ T's new headband. The fabric is from the cuddle soft collection (oh so soft and cuddly) and was on sale for $8.99 a yd. The solid colored fleece was on sale for $3.99. Score !!! The ribbon is pretty expensive compared to ordering online, but I was impatient.

Here is the finished product. Not bad for my first try. I made a few more headbands and will post pics later when my lil model wakes up from her nap..lol

Friday, April 24, 2009

Slow down

My dear daughter was a tiny little 4.5 pounder when she came home from the hospital. She started rolling over at one month actual and I was like wth you aren't even supposed to be born yet? What are you doing? Slow down.

Well this little girl is just in a hurry. She was in a hurry to be born and is in a hurry to get moving. She is 7 1/2 actual and 5 1/2 adjusted and she's getting on all fours and trying to crawl.

I thought I was going to have some extra time in the little baby stage with her. I guess she has other ideas.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


In my effort to reduce waste and be thrifty I am going to try to go with as many "previously owned" items as I can stomach.

Before I left to Sac last week I did a quick closet clean out. I grabbed a few jeans I will never squeeze into again and few hideous baby outfits. Upon arriving in Sac, Chop and I headed to Once Upon a Child. I handed them said outfits and they handed me $11.67. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

I had been wanting to get Tarynn an exersaucer, so we started browsing around. The used ones in the store were selling for around $50. While it was only half the price of a new one, it seemed a little steep for a used toy. I told him we would wait a couple days to decide.

The next day Stephany and I headed to Crossroads. I handed them my old jeans and they handed me a credit for $17 cash or $27 store credit. I decided to use the store credit because I have no pants that fit. They had some cute 7's and Joe's jeans, but I was determined to not come out of my pocket at all. I ended up going with two pairs of American Eagle jeans. They are def not my new fav jeans, but totally good for casual days. (99% of my days are casual days so they are perfect) Plus, I figured I can sell them back when I'm done losing weight and ready to invest in some jeans I love.

I was still thinking about the exersaucer one morning when I sat down at the computer. My stepdad had left a window open with a Craigslist search he was doing. Why didn't I think of that? I typed in baby toys and pages and pages came up. A lot of people were looking to make some money, but I knew there had to be somone that just wanted the stuff out of their house.

Then there it was, an exesaucer in good condition, the lady just wanted it out of her house, $10. I also found an activity table in a similar ad for $5. I am a huge germaphobe, so after a good scrub down and some disinfecting Tarynn was enjoying her new toys.

We are heading back today and I am on a mission to find a jogging stroller and this pink car walker.


Activity Table

Tarynn enjoying her new toys

First Post!!!!!!

I'm so excited my first ever blog post.

Well I actually don't have anything exciting to report yet. This is more of a test run I guess.

We are going to Sac tomorrow for Steph's bday. I am going to cook dinner for my family on Fri and then us "kids" are heading out for beerfest. On the menu-asparagus and red bell pepper stuffed chicken with a dijon sauce and basmati rice. I will post pics of dinner and the weekend when I get back.

I am really happy to have my sister closer. I have seen more of her in the last couple months than I have in the last couple years. Last week we went and checked out schools for her and found a few job postings in the medical field that she applied for. She is really getting on the ball and I'm proud of her.

Sunday we are going to the A's game for little league day and I'm sure that will be fun.

I swear as soon as that first day of spring rolls around, our weekends get jam packed.

Family Update: Marco-still not working :( , playing softball, and putting sod in the back yard
Cindy-going to school, is about to be employed *gasp*
Chop-got his grades up, playing baseball
Tarynn-waving, rolling all over the place, eating baby food, is a whopping 18 lbs
Daisy-still feeling neglected since T been born, yet to find a bf