Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Post!!!!!!

I'm so excited my first ever blog post.

Well I actually don't have anything exciting to report yet. This is more of a test run I guess.

We are going to Sac tomorrow for Steph's bday. I am going to cook dinner for my family on Fri and then us "kids" are heading out for beerfest. On the menu-asparagus and red bell pepper stuffed chicken with a dijon sauce and basmati rice. I will post pics of dinner and the weekend when I get back.

I am really happy to have my sister closer. I have seen more of her in the last couple months than I have in the last couple years. Last week we went and checked out schools for her and found a few job postings in the medical field that she applied for. She is really getting on the ball and I'm proud of her.

Sunday we are going to the A's game for little league day and I'm sure that will be fun.

I swear as soon as that first day of spring rolls around, our weekends get jam packed.

Family Update: Marco-still not working :( , playing softball, and putting sod in the back yard
Cindy-going to school, is about to be employed *gasp*
Chop-got his grades up, playing baseball
Tarynn-waving, rolling all over the place, eating baby food, is a whopping 18 lbs
Daisy-still feeling neglected since T been born, yet to find a bf

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