Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First new sew blanket and headband

I decided to try my hand at making my own blankets and headbands. My poor little T will prolly not grow any hair until well after a year and the newborn headbands are getting to small. I looked on my beloved etsy and there were a ton of adorable infant/toddler ones to chose from. While they were oh so cute, they were oh so expensive ranging from $7-$15. The price wouldn't be to bad if you only needed one, but my bald baby girl needs one for every outfit.

I did a little googling and figured out how to make my own. I ordered some supplies from ebay, but I was in such a hurry to get started I headed to Joann's Fabrics to get a few things to practice with while I wait for my ebay purchases to arrive.

While I was at Joann's I saw the most adorable fabric. It inspired me to make a blanket to go w/ T's new headband. The fabric is from the cuddle soft collection (oh so soft and cuddly) and was on sale for $8.99 a yd. The solid colored fleece was on sale for $3.99. Score !!! The ribbon is pretty expensive compared to ordering online, but I was impatient.

Here is the finished product. Not bad for my first try. I made a few more headbands and will post pics later when my lil model wakes up from her nap..lol

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