Sunday, June 21, 2009

Trying to learn to crochet

I am on a mission to learn to crochet. I have seen some absolutely adorable crocheted baby items lately and would love to learn to make them. Not to mention being able to make my own scarves and beanies in the winter. Scarves would also make great Christmas gifts.

So far the learning process has been a big FAIL. My hands just do not do what I tell them to do. I think crocheting is easy for most people, just not me. On Thursday I went to a meeting of Gavilan College's KnitWits. The ladies were kind enough to try to get me started. They tried to show me how to do a granny square. I told them I better practice doing a chain for awhile.

Yesterday Marco's grandmother tried to show me how to make a blanket. I also told her I better practice on making a chain for I think I just need to get the hang of manipulating the needle and yarn. I am not good at doing things with an audience and both times I've tried I had more than one person watching me to make sure I was doing it right.

I'm going to practice tonight and am supposed to meet w/ Marco's granny and the KnitWits again this week for some more instruction. Wish me luck.

Here are some pics of some of my favorite crocheted items. Just click on the link below the item to be directed to the seller. Absolutely A-Dorable!!!

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  1. Thanks for featuring my item! I'll tell you, chaining is very important. Once you can do it well, you can do any stitch, its just adding more or less "yarn overs". In the meantime, here is a cute scarf you can do using only the chain stitch!

    If for some reason that doesn't work, pm me :)

  2. Come on Hollister Martha! I know you can figure it out.

  3. My mom has tried to teach me to crochet a million times so I feel your frustration and it took me about 6 months to make a very crooked scarf! (I ended up taking it apart b/c I knew I wasn't going to ever wear it)
    The previous comment about chaining is so true though; once you get it and make each chain just right, you'll seriously be able to do anything. But keep it up Cindy - I want a pair of crochet slippers for me <3
